Hot Wheels and Pixar Animation Studios deliver vehicles with detailed graphics and styling representing beloved Toy Story characters in 1:64 scale. Great opportunity to collect fan favorite original Hot Wheels vehicles with packaging and graphics for the Toy Story gang-- Woody, Jessie, Buzz, Rex, Bo Peep and Alien! Collectors and kids alike will want to add these classic vehicles to their collection. Six different models to choose from. Great gift for kids ages 3 and older for push-around play or collecting.
Hot Wheels Disney Pixar Toy Story Alien Bully Goat Vehicle:
Age Range: 3 Years and Up
​Classic assortment of Disney Pixar's Toy Story characters and Hot Wheels original vehicles in 1:64 scale
​Great graphic illustrations on package and cars will make it hard to choose from selection of six!
​Great gift idea for Toy Story fans and kids of all ages
​Hot Wheels provides attention to detail and exceptional styling for each vehicle
​Original Toy Story characters include Woody, Jessie, Buzz, Rex, Bo Peep and Alien perfect for re-enacting favorite scenes